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Hot Topics Series: Rocking the GG Items
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This 1-hour session will cover interpreting how the calculation of the Discharge Function Score works for administrators and clinical leadership, as well as instructions for accurately coding the GG items using real-world scenarios and focusing on the most misunderstood aspects of the GG items for clinical leadership and clinicians.

When: Tuesday, April 9, 2024
12:00 PM
Where: Virtual Conference
United States
Presenter: Jennifer Osburn, RN, HCS-D, COS-C & Melinda Gaboury, COS-C
Contact: Karen Bownes

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Jennifer Osburn, RN, HCS-D, COS-C, is a Clinical Consultant with Healthcare Provider Solutions, Inc. (HPS). With over 30 years of home health experience, Jennifer brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise which includes education and training, agency management, quality, clinical case management, and software technology. She is also a credentialed OASIS and ICD-10 Coding expert.

Melinda A. Gaboury, COS-C, is Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Healthcare Provider Solutions. With more than 30 years in home care, has over 22 years of executive speaking and educating experience, including extensive day-to-day interaction with home care and hospice professionals. She routinely conducts home care and hospice reimbursement workshops and speaks at state association meetings throughout the country.